Sir Richard McBride Elementary School & Annex

Sir Richard McBride leading crowd in cheer after driving in the last spike of the B.C. Electric Railway's Fraser Valley line to Chilliwack, B.C. -- ca. 3 Oct. 1910
Take a walk down 31st Avenue and you’ll come across our two local elementary schools both named for Sir Richard McBride, the 15th premier of British Columbia (1903-1915). At age 33, Sir Richard McBride was the first of British Columbia’s premiers to be born in the province and the only one to have ever been knighted.
Sir Richard McBride Elementary School (29th Avenue and Culloden St.) is a public elementary school, part of School District 39 Vancouver. It was founded in 1911 and recently celebrated its Centennial year. The school’s symbol is an eagle and its colours are white, blue, and yellow. The school was built on a hilly slope nearby a nursery and orchard known as Henry’s Farm. Just one block over, Henry Street still holds its name from that old farm. Sir Richard McBride Annex was built in 1964 and is a modest single story building, just off of scenic Gray’s Park. It is the primary annex to the McBride main school. Both schools are widely considered to be cornerstones of the Mountain View community.
Many children have trudged to school in those early days, through thick swampy mud, over cattle fields and vegetable gardens. Today, I’m sure you’ll find many alumni that remember both schools with fond memories.
May 5, 2015 at 9:00 am
I attended Sir Richard McBride School between 1938 and 1943 or 1944. Did the school have 7th grade at that time?
Bob Ward, Dana Point California
May 28, 2015 at 7:58 pm
Was Frank Armstrong the principal at that time, by any chance? He’s my grandfather and I have a picture from 1949 taken for the newspaper on the occasion of his retirement. I also have a ceremonial key with his name on it for the opening of the new gymnasium addition in 1954.
May 28, 2015 at 10:56 pm
@ Dan Armstrong, according to photos in the Vancouver Archives, Mr. Armstrong retired from McBride Main in 1949, so you are correct in your photo.
September 24, 2015 at 10:23 am
No grade 7 in those years. Off to Junior high, though there the feed is to John Oliver high school (grades 7 to 12). Many left school at 16, grade 10.
February 2, 2016 at 5:21 pm
Hi all
I really enjoyed my time in the 50’s and early 60’s loved the group and also my brother dave and wendy too
great group of wonderful kids our family lived ong lives and recently passed into eternity both parents loved life and thier families gsave everything they could pillars of the community
Long live sir richard mc bride
retired now
a young and great 64 years
September 5, 2017 at 10:20 am
I was privileged to attend “Sir Richard McBride” for grades 5 and 6 in 1957 & 1958 and then on to John Oliver for grade seven. My grade 6 teacher was Mr. Richie and he was a great influence in my life. I shared the leading role in the Christmas play called “Emal and the Night Visitors”. I can still remember some of my lines. At 11 years of age it gave me a boost to my self confidence. Terrific memories of my education at this school and I still carry on with friends I made there to this day. May the children and staff who are there today on this first day of school 2017 be as fortunate to have such memories. Good luck!
November 30, 2018 at 2:45 pm
What a delight coming across this note. I lived across the street at 4595 Culloden Street and could not wait to join the enthusiasm I viewed at recesses. My mom was stone deaf and I was a very sensitive child in a challenged environment with little stimulation however in 1952 Upon entering grade one Miss Caldwell the wisest most gentle teacher tenderly guided my fears and opened the door to language, reading, writing and the power of education. I treasure my McBride memories.
February 13, 2021 at 11:02 am
I went to sir richard mcbride elementary school from 1952 grade two to1956……in new westminster anyone else out there i was an avide baseball player and remember a couple of guys i played baseball with their nicknames were peanuts and the other guy was dave sparks…….dave was a good player ui was picked by the gym teacher to pick a team to play other schools in new west i remember the sweet brothers i picked for the team….we beat herbert spencer about 20 to nothing i was the pitcher then we played that school over by 12th street with a similar result anyone out there that played for our team???
May 28, 2021 at 10:32 am,School%2C%20effective%20Sept.%201.
October 9, 2021 at 3:53 pm
Such happy memories of attending Sir Richard McBride grades 1-6: 1951-1957. Lived just around the block on Knight Road and 29th. Mr Kirk was principal, Miss Sullivan was library teacher – maybe her encouragement led to my career choice, Librarian. Also remember Miss Popowich, Mr Richardson, Miss King (Art) and especially, Miss Elliot, my grade one teacher! Treasured times!
March 26, 2024 at 11:29 pm
I have a lot of class photos, stories, May Queen days, newsletters (super cool….dated 1939…and an updated one from about 2094) etc as my Dad, Harold Stamnes attended in the 30s. I heard about this school my entire life, and all his friends, and teachers. Let me know where to start/send. He grew up on Windsor Street and he would love me to send them. ♡